Friday, January 12, 2007

the maiden session

We had our first session this morning at SR4. Albeit the many latecomers, the session was still beyond my expectations. Perhaps I'm too used to the rigidity of science classes that I have forgotten the joy of interactive discussions. That aside, today we talked about disruptive technologies.

Disruptive technologies refer to those that are new, seemingly impractical, but often have a great impact on the consumer population. These technologies are able to displace the existing technologies, which is why they are 'disruptive'. Large corporations are designed to work with existing sustaining technologies; that is, those that can be incrementally improved and is established. This is why they experience a problem when faced with the onset of new and possibly cost-saving disruptive technology, as they have a 'legacy system' in place and thus are unable to swiftly adopt such new technologies. It is quite common for a large company to dismiss the feasibility of the above mentioned disruptive technologies.

Prior to this discussion, I've always known that such disruptive technologies have a great effect on the structure of the industry, but I never knew the full extent of it. It has gotten me to think about such changes in alternative perspectives and was an eye opener on the implications of the discussed technologies. Perhaps these same ideas can be applied to various other relevant innovations. In the near future, I hope I'd get the opportunity to come up with a disruptive technology. Maybe it'll be my big break.

Looks like this is an interesting module after all. (:

1 comment:

cellprof said...

I am happy to see you began recording your thoughts, and would now like you to focus on your learning experience, the topics that really interest you, the ideas you respond to, and those that you didn't quite understand.

In more depth, please. This will give you the content for your contribution to the wiki.